30 March 2016

In the Garden, Birds

Years ago we used to have lots of bird feeders around in our garden, however we stopped as we didn't get much interest from the birds, and we had cats. However, recently I have brought some new feeders and placed them up, to encourage more bird life back into our garden, since we do not have any cats at the moment. Since putting up a few birds feeders, we instantly got lots different species of birds visiting our garden.

I am fortunate that my parents have got a good size garden, with lots of hedges and places for birds to perch, hide and nest. Therefore, I managed to get quite a few bird feeders around the garden.

 I sort of have what we call 3 sections to our garden. We have the patio which is near the house, then the middle/main garden and then the top. Therefore, I have three bird feeders in the patio section, 5/6 in the middle part, and then one up the top.

In the patio section I have a bird seed feeder, a suet block feeder, and then a fat ball feeder. In the middle, I have two peanuts feeders, two seed feeders, a fat ball feeder and what I call a meal worm dish. Then up at the top I have a suet block feeder.

I placed most of these last October (2015). So far it has attracted a lot of different species of birds. We have had;

House Sparrows (lots)
Blue Tits
Coal Tits
Great Tits
Mistle Thrush
Long-Tailed Tits
Gold Finch
Green Woodpecker

There are most of the ones I have seen. There could be plenty more I have seen, but I think this is a great selection, and I am very happy.  

Just before Christmas I placed about 5 different bird nests, to hopefully attract some birds to nest this year, which I have potential seen a blue tit looking at one of the nest boxes, so hopefully. I also got treated a nest box for my birthday, which is a sparrow nest box which has 3 different sections, as they like to live near, as they are social animals.

If you want to help out some animals this year then place some feeders out, even if it is just one. As they need food all year round, and in winter they do not have access to all food, and even in the spring/summer, it will help them out to feed their young ones, or to give them some energy. 

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