26 July 2015


I have had these speakers, since Christmas, and I love them.

They are Bluetooth speakers, so you can carry your phone around with you and still have the music playing. They have a great sound, and can go quite loud.

In addition, you can put the volume up on the speakers high, that way you can change the volume by using your phone.

15 July 2015

My dog!

I love my dog, so she deserves to be on my blog.

Now I am a total animal lover, and dogs are one of my main favourite animals.

People that don't like dogs, will never understand the love that a dog owner and a dog has. To me my dog is like my child, she can act like one, but thankfully can't speak! I do love her, and she is like a best friend to me.

12 July 2015

Ed Sheeran

So, as many of you may know, Ed Sheeran played 3 nights at Wembley Stadium, 10th, 11th, and 12th July 2015.

Now I was very fortunate, to be able to go and see him with my boyfriend. We went on the 10/07/15, and we managed to get standing tickets, which were awesome!!! He had two supports act on that night, which were, Foy Vance, and One Republic.

Shabby Chic Painting!

I got this dressing table and stool a while back, and wasn't sure what to do with it. But I have finished the stool. Here is a before picture:
I have never painted or upholstered, so I thought I would give it ago. As I like they way you can change something looking a bit old and in need of some TLC, into something new and beautiful.

Lush Products

Hi there,
For some reason, I have never been to Lush or got any of their products. I know crazy right. So I thought it was due time, and I had a little nose on their website, as I have heard good reviews on their products. So I thought it was about time I purchased  a couple of products.